At Wheels we offer logistics solutions all over Ireland and multiple continents, so we often go off the beaten track when we’re on duty. With us it’s not always delicate IT equipment, important documents or medical samples — we often deliver quirky cargo around the world, and we’re never surprised by the jobs we get. If you need a something shipped anywhere, trust us to get it there. And if it brings a smile to our face, even better.
Here’s just a small selection of the odd ones out, the jobs that really delivered the laughs — from the ultimate in remote working, to a reptile reunion and travelling with the bear essentials.
Enter the Dragon…
Rose, a three-year-old bearded dragon Lizard, needed to be shipped for a client who was moving home to the USA, and our efforts were off the scale. Our team formulated a joint plan with our international partner, a Hong Kong pet mover, to make sure Rose had a stress-free move back to the States — and she was reunited with her owner within 48 hours of departure from Hong Kong.

Ready, Teddy, Go!
One of our tech company clients wanted to move a giant teddy back to their New York City office, and we couldn’t bear to see them parted. They called upon Wheels to activate our global logistics brain and work out a way to get teddy back to the office. Our team carefully packed him in a customised box, prepared the shipping documents and he was back home within 24 hours in NYC. Let’s hope he didn’t have too many emails to catch up on!

Far and away our most remote job recently was a request from a global social media client to collect IT tech (laptop, screens, keyboard etc) from the remote Island of Reunion in the Indian Ocean. Our team liaised directly with the staff member and arranged collection, full packing service, documentation preparation and air freight shipping to their London office. Talk about going the extra mile!

At Wheels we often go off the beaten track when we’re on duty. We often deliver quirky cargo around the world, and we’re never surprised by the jobs we get. Here’s just a small selection of the odd ones out — the jobs that really delivered the laughs…